We’ve seen the statistics about the sharp rise in cyber attacks, and the impact on businesses – lost revenue, stress on resources. In many cases, organizations never recover. In fact, 60 percent of small companies go out of business within six months after falling victim to a data breach or cyber attack.
- By Jeremy Rasmussen
- Mar 01, 2021
Over the last few weeks, you have probably seen numerous articles regarding North Korea’s effort to hack Pfizer in what most security experts believe was an effort to manufacture and sell counterfeit COVID vaccines to raise cash and obtain foreign currency.
- By Allyn Lynd
- Feb 26, 2021
President Biden has signed another executive order addressing growing concern over a global semiconductor shortage.
Idis has acquired a controlling (44.84%) stake in KT Powertel, the radio communications subsidiary of telecoms giant KT Corp.
The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named Matt Feenan as the 2021 recipient of the SIA Committee Chair of the Year Award, which recognizes individuals for excellence in leading SIA committees and advancing member objectives.
Gallagher Security and Invixium have announced announce a next-level integration between Gallagher Command Centre and Invixium’s IXM WEB software.
ONVIF® is pleased to announce the appointment of Leo Levit as the new chairman of the ONVIF Steering Committee.
Netwatch Group, comprised of NMC, CalAtlantic, and Netwatch; is pleased to announce that Bill Bozeman, CPP, will be joining their executive board.
A new study shows that many organizations have changed their physical security strategies to address new concerns since the COVID-19 outbreak, explains Dark Reading’s Jai Vijayan.
On Feb. 13, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Cincinnati intercepted smuggled narcotics in a shipment of cereal originating from South America.
Building on a series of Executive Orders recently, the Biden Administration is announcing another step in our phased strategy to reform the nation’s immigration system.
Americans have been living through a period of intense uncertainty since March — struggling with an unprecedented pandemic and the economic distress it has caused.
Openpath has reimagined the ideal digital badge for today’s modern workforce and workplace.
Hanwha Techwin has announced that Kevin Darnell has joined the company as retail business development manager for the retail sector in North America.
The second wave is here, and people are tired of the pandemic as we head into what will most likely be a long, dark winter with COVID-19. Campuses of all sizes need to function at some level or risk an uncertain future.
- By KiChul Kim
- Feb 12, 2021
On Feb. 2, Alejandro Mayorkas was officially sworn in as the seventh Secretary of Homeland Security.
Company’s AI-based capabilities uniquely include data discovery, risk monitoring and data protection across structured and unstructured on-premises and cloud data repositories
BriefCam has announced the appointment of Igal Dvir as vice president of Technology and Product. In this newly created role, Dvir will oversee product vision, strategy and roadmap execution to drive company-wide innovation.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 10, 2021