AMAG Technology
Symmetry CompleteView ViewPoint
AMAG Technology announced the release of Symmetry CompleteView ViewPoint. Symmetry CompleteView ViewPoint works in conjunction with AMAG’s Symmetry CompleteView Video Management System to stream a targeted computer’s desktop or attached webcam as a video feed. Up to eight desktops or webcams may be streamed from a single PC. Symmetry CompleteView treats the streams as it would any physical IP camera, allowing for live viewing, playback, PTZ control, and all other functionality associated with a camera connected to Symmetry CompleteView. Symmetry CompleteView ViewPoint can be used on any Windows computer where there is value in viewing display monitors, live or recorded, as a camera in the Symmetry Access Control System. It will auto-detect all monitor displays and web cameras connected to the Windows computer. It lists available audio source devices connected to the computer which optionally can be enabled and associated with monitor display feeds.