The world is growing increasingly unsafe and incidents at venues are rapidly on the rise. If you are responsible for the safety of your visitors, patrons and employees now is the time to familiarize yourself with the benefits of transforming your physical security screening.
Sponsored by Evolv Technology
Together, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have transformed the perimeter security technology landscape. FLIR's powerful new video analytics for perimeter intrusion detection—Virtual Barrier analytics—is purpose-built to deliver superior detection precision, classification accuracy, geolocation of targets, resilience against false alarms and situational awareness for perimeter intrusion detection systems (PIDS). Designed to continuously improve, Virtual Barrier analytics are built to keep pace with today’s evolving perimeter threats. This white paper will discuss the strategic value of Virtual Barrier analytics for PIDS, as well as its specific performance benefits when compared to other analytics.
Sponsored by FLIR Systems
Here are the pros and cons of some of the more popular mass notification solutions available today, as well as suggestions on how to make your emergency alert program more effective.
Sponsored by 911Cellular
Today, the threats to enterprise workplace safety are more diverse, and have greater consequences both financially and in human form, than ever before. Workplace violence incidents, whether homicide or simple assault, are extremely costly to companies.
Keeping students, teachers, visitors and educational facilities safe from criminal activity is a task which must be taken seriously. GJD and LILIN Americas have created this white paper to provide recommendations on how intrusion detection technology, combined with IP video surveillance systems, integrate to provide versatile security solutions for educational buildings.
Sponsored by LILIN USA
Find about the potential cost of counterfeited IDs to your organization. Also, learn about new, technologically-advanced visual security features that can combat this problem, easily and cost-effectively.
Sponsored by HID Global
Get the latest on successful high volume distributed ID card issuance
Sponsored by HID Global
You’ve decided that you need to create new ID badges for your employees, staff and/or visitors, but where do you start?
Sponsored by HID Global
Learn how the proliferation of mobile phones, proof of identity has now evolved to include mobile IDs
Sponsored by HID Global
This white paper focuses on how to specify video storage, why video is a unique storage challenge and why systems must be carefully thought out to ensure crucial data isn’t lost. Central to the discussion is a review of the three storage technologies you are likely to run across including Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Networks (SAN).
Sponsored by Pivot3